




Do you know how to make network cable?

Use the cutting edge of the wire crimping pliers to cut the thread ends evenly, and then put the thread ends into the stripping knife edge, let the thread ends touch the baffle, hold the crimping pliers slightly and rotate slowly, and use the knife edge to cut the protective rubber of the twisted pair , pull off the rubber.


1. Use the cutting edge of the wire crimping pliers to cut the appropriate length of the network cable.

2. Use the cutting edge of the wire crimping pliers to cut the thread ends evenly, and then put the thread ends into the stripping knife edge, let the thread ends touch the baffle, hold the crimping pliers slightly and rotate slowly, and use the knife edge to cut the protective rubber of the twisted pair , pull off the rubber.

3. Each pair of wires is intertwined with each other. When making a network cable, the 8 wires must be disassembled one by one, and then arranged neatly according to the specified wire sequence.

4. Straighten and flatten the network cable as far as possible, arrange one end in the order of white green, green, white orange, blue, white blue, orange, white brown, and brown from left to right, and use the pressure pin to hold the wire end Cut evenly. If the remaining skin is too long, you can cut the excessively long thin wire and keep about 14mm. This length is just enough to insert the thin wires into their respective slots, and the crystal head can just press the sheath to prevent the cable from coming out. out of the crystal head.

5. Hold the crystal head with the thumb and middle finger of your left hand, so that the side with the plastic shrapnel faces down, and the pin side faces away from you, and use your index finger to hold it; hold the rubber outside the twisted pair with your right hand, and slowly push the 8 The wires are inserted along the 8 slots in the crystal head at the same time, and are inserted to the top of the slots.

6. After confirming that all the wires are in place and checking that the wiring sequence is correct, push the crystal head into the clamping groove of the crimping pliers, then hold the wire pliers firmly, and press all the protruding pins of the crystal head into the crystal head.

7. Make the other end of the network cable in the same way. Note that the line sequence at this time is white orange, orange, white green, blue, white blue, green, white brown, brown. At this point, a network cable is made, and all twisted pairs are made in the same way.


After finishing both ends of the crystal head, you can use the network cable tester to test. If the 8 indicator lights on the tester flash green in sequence, it proves that the network cable is successfully made. If any of the lights are red or yellow, it proves that there is an open circuit or poor contact. At this time, it is best to press the crystal heads at both ends and use the network cable pliers to test again. If the fault persists, check both ends again. Whether the order of the core wires is the same, if not, then cut off one end and make a crystal head according to the order of the core wires at the other end.

If the order of the core wires is the same, but the tester still displays a red or yellow light after retesting, it means that there must be a bad contact of the corresponding core wires. At this time, there is no way to do it, so we have to cut off one end and redo a crystal head according to the order of the core wires at the other end, and then test again. If the fault disappears, there is no need to redo the other end of the crystal head; Also cut and redone. Until all the testing indicator lights are green.

Key words:

cutting edge,network cable